Possible Complications from Delaying Whiplash Treatment
You’re at risk of whiplash if you’ve been in an auto accident, suffered a sports injury, had a traumatic fall or blow to the head, or were injured on an amusement park ride. The signs and symptoms of whiplash might not show up for days or weeks after the initial injury and delaying whiplash treatment can cause significant complications. That is why you should see our chiropractor for whiplash treatment in Cedar Knolls as soon as possible.
Referred Pain
When you delay whiplash treatment, you increase your risk of experiencing referred pain. Typical whiplash symptoms include pain, stiffness, and loss of range of motion in the neck. Over time, these symptoms can extend to other parts of the body. Without whiplash treatment, you might start experiencing headaches or migraines, shoulder pain and tenderness, and pain or stiffness in the upper or lower back.
Chronic Pain and Stiffness
Without prompt whiplash treatment, you increase the risk of your symptoms becoming chronic or permanent. You may experience chronic or recurring neck and shoulder pain and stiffness, and loss of range of motion of your neck. You also increase your risk of recurring numbness or weakness in your arms and legs, which can affect your balance and mobility.
Neurological Problems
A dangerous complication of whiplash is neurological symptoms. When you get whiplash treatment from our chiropractor immediately after your injury, he will screen you for neurological symptoms. Without early intervention, these symptoms can worsen over time. You might experience fatigue; irritability; trouble eating and sleeping; frequent headaches or migraines; numbness, weakness, or tingling in your arms or legs; dizziness; blurred vision; ringing in your ears; depression; anxiety; and trouble concentrating. If you experience any of these symptoms after an accident or injury, visit our chiropractor right away.
If You Think You’re Suffering from Whiplash in Cedar Knolls, Come See Us Today
If you think you’re showing signs or symptoms of whiplash in Cedar Knolls, NJ, come see us today at Spine and Rehabilitation of Morris, LLC. Our chiropractor, Dr. Larry Goldfarb, can quickly provide an official diagnosis of whiplash, evaluate you for neurological symptoms and complications, and design a customized whiplash treatment program that will reduce your risk of complications. He can also help you provide documentation of your injury to your employer, auto insurance company, or attorney. You can call us at (973) 359-4400 to learn more or schedule your appointment.
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