Running Injury Treatment in Cedar Knolls
Runners present a unique set of issues that if not addressed can create a mass of problems. A simple Achilles tendinitis can eventually cause gluteal tears, sacroiliac sprains and hip issues that take months to heal. If you experience pain, discomfort or a feeling of imbalance it might be worth having the issue looked at rather than saying that it will probably go away.
Some of the issues that we see in this office from running include:
- Shin Splints
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Stress fractures
- Knee pain
- Hamstring tears (acute and chronic)
- Buttock pain and tears
- Piriformis syndrome
- Hip pain and associated leg pain
- Achilles Tendinitis
- Heel spurs
- Low back pain
- Neck and shoulder pain
- And probably about 15 other and associated injuries that can sideline a runner.
I have over the past 40 years studied, analyzed, and collaborated with Podiatrists, Physical therapists, Mathematicians, Biomechanists, Medical doctors, Athletic trainers, Running coaches and competitive runners to find the root cause of these injuries. Years ago I came up with a theory called the VERTICL ALIGNMENT CONCEPT with Dr Garry Sherman, DPM. Simply it is a model where all the parts of the body are aligned and balanced form the foot to the top of head. This allows the forces that that are generated by gravity to pass through the knees, hip, pelvis, spine and shoulders easily. Any deviation from this model will cause compensation by some other part which will cause that part to suffer an injury by repetitive motion. The constant running cycle can aggravate compensating parts causing pain, fatigue, and damage ultimately ending in failure.
It is fairly easy to spot these problems many times harder to fix them because most times the runners wait too long. They are usually on the eve of a race and the fix requires time and for the runners that is frustrating.
If you are having any of the above issues or feel that you are not enjoying your runs because of nagging pain or discomfort, let us take a look at you and see what we find.