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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will the problem return again?
When the soft-tissue problem is truly resolved the symptoms will not return unless the injury happens again. We also look to find the cause of the problem to avoid re-injury. We instruct in exercise, stretch, posture and technique so the mechanism of the injury can be prevented in the future.

2. Can I continue to be active in my sport during treatment?
Rest is key ingredient in care. Overuse is generally the cause of the problem in the first place so allowing the tissue to heal is important. You will be given stretches between treatments that will help to elongate the muscle fibers. Light exercise may be used.

3. How many treatments are needed to treat my problem?
A.R.T. is different than most other treatments as the treatments needed are significantly less. If the cause is identified and the proper treatment is given then the problem resolves. The lesion must be identified by the practitioner and treated. If this is done properly you will get well. Obviously each case is different and the care needed will depend on the time the problem has existed. Usually a 4-5 treatment over a 3 week period is all that is needed.

4. Why is Active Release Therapy (ART) so effective?
When your soft tissue is injured the body responds by altering the way you move. It is impossible for the muscle to undergo a tear, develop an adhesion and perform normally. By analyzing the motion or activity we can see where the problem is and find out what effect it was having in your performance.

5. Is this a massage technique?
Not at all! This is a very specific soft tissue technique that is performed on the affected muscles. We do not rub the part but instead use light pressure to release the restrictions in the muscles and let them function again. It feel as if the part is released and the freedom if movement is restored.

6. What does treatment feel like?
Active release treatments are very specific. We first examine the part that is painful and determine what muscles are involved. This can include range of motion, examining the muscles and some resistance evaluation. The technique is a shortening and elongation process of the restricted muscles that we do by hand. Generally you will feel some pressure as it is not a painful process. Patients usually say when they are being treated “that’s the spot” or “it feels like the area is opening up”.

7. I have had surgery on my low back, can I still be treated?
Yes, in most cases, as long as metal implants haven’t been used.

8. What kinds of conditions are not treatable or contraindicated?
Osteomalacia (severe osteporosis), myelitis, anklyosing spondylitis, fractures, and unstable spondylolisthesis with pars defects, post surgical conditions where metal implants (rods, cages and screws) have been used, cancer or tumors.

9. Can I continue to work while I’m under therapy?
Patients can maintain a normal work schedule. If you undergo physically stressful activities, we may prescribe a brace or limit your work activities in the beginning of your care program.

10. What kind of conditions does the Spinal Decompression program treat?
Disc problems of many varieties as bulging discs, herniated discs of the cervical (neck) and lumbar spine (low back) , degenerated discs, joint facet syndrome, sciatica and spinal stenosis.

11. What are my chances for success?
Very high actually, Spine and OsteoArthritis Center of NJ only accepts patients we truly feel we can help. The treatment aids patients suffering from herniated or bulging intervertebral discs, sciatica, stenosis, deterioration and arthrosis.

12. What is the cost for the decompression therapy?
Good news! The cost is reasonable and we provide everyone the opportunity to receive decompression therapy. Insurance covers a percentage of your care and the affordable cost eliminates the worry of depriving yourself of the care you need. During your consultation, the doctor will determine if you are a candidate, and fully explain to you how much it will cost before any charges are posted. If it is felt that you are not a candidate for care, the doctor will tell you and there will be no charge. Fair enough?

13. Does insurance cover the cost?
Different types of insurance cover different costs associated with the therapy. We are happy to verify your benefits when you come into our office and give you an idea of what you will need to pay out of pocket before any services are performed.

14. If I don’t have insurance, are payment plans available?
Absolutely! We can provide several flexible payment plans to accommodate most peoples needs, but more importantly, we are pleased to offer “Enhanced Patient Financing” to allow everyone the opportunity to receive care they can afford.

15. How long does the treatment take?
Each session requires about one hour on average.

16. How often do I need treatment?
Most patients start with daily care for a few weeks with adjustments to their decompression schedule for the remainder of their program which could last up to 10 weeks.

17. Does the treatment offer a permanent relief?
Yes! When non-surgical spinal decompression is successful you should not have to return for further care. Formation of scar tissue over the tear in the disc seals the injury and provides permanent correction. This is a natural response to healing using decompression therapy.

Realizing that you have been coping with pain, which is likely to be chronic and often severe in nature, we will act quickly to determine if you are candidate for the medical breakthrough technology of decompression and if so, get you started right away on the road to relief and cure.